An Introduction to the CEFR for Language Teachers
Time to read 6 min
Time to read 6 min
Whilst teachers are increasingly adopting The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), there is still limited understanding of its purpose and history, and why it has largely superseded traditional language levels. Many teachers use the new levels as equivalences of more traditional labels that they feel more familiar and comfortable with. This is not really surprising, given the size and complexity of much of the CEFR documentation and guidance, but risks profoundly misunderstanding the nature of the change that the CEFR has brought about.
In this short piece, we aim to provide a very brief introduction to its history, purpose, and key components, as well as outlining its level equivalences to traditional labels and examination levels. We hope you will find it useful and, if you would like to take things further, we recommend you go to the Council of Europe’s main website, which provides much more detail on every aspect of the CEFR.
The CEFR was an ambitious initiative spearheaded by the Council of Europe in the late 1990s as part of its language policy planning. Aimed at creating a comprehensive system for language learning, teaching, and assessment, the CEFR was developed through wide-ranging consultation with linguistic experts, educators, and policymakers. This collaborative approach sought to harmonise language training and certification across Europe, promoting ease of mobility for work, study, and social interaction.
The overarching vision of the CEFR goes beyond mere assessment. It seeks to foster multilingualism and multicultural understanding, values considered increasingly critical in our interconnected global society. The CEFR views multilingualism as a highly desirable, essential skill set, enabling individuals to participate in culturally diverse settings and thereby contributing to broader social objectives like inclusion and the combating of xenophobia.
The CEFR framework distinguishes language proficiency across six well-defined levels: A1, A2 (basic users), B1, B2 (independent users), and C1, C2 (proficient users). These levels are designed to be applicable across the four key language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Here's how each skill is characteristically represented across CEFR levels:
The movement towards acceptance of the CEFR levels is important because it offers a far more nuanced scale of proficiency than traditional labels like 'Beginner' or 'Intermediate,' and provides a universally recognised benchmark. For example, the Cambridge English exams are now aligned with CEFR levels:
Similarly, Trinity College London and other major exam providers, now offer comprehensive assessments that align with CEFR guidelines.
Another important concept to understand in relation to the CEFR is that of a 'jagged profile'. This concept involves a huge paradigm shift in the teaching and learning of languages. It acknowledges that individuals might excel in one skill while needing improvement in another. This allows for targeted teaching and assessment methods to help learners balance their skills in a way that is most appropriate for them. This, in turn, leads to a more dynamic, responsive approach to language learning. By recognising that not all skills need to be developed to the same level of proficiency, the CEFR enables learners to meet specific, real-world tasks and challenges more effectively. By way of illustration, consider the following examples:
A professional translator primarily works with written texts, which means their job depends heavily on advanced reading and writing skills. Speaking and listening might be secondary skills in this context. The CEFR framework enables the translator to prioritise:
By embracing a jagged profile, the translator can focus on reaching high levels of proficiency in these two skills, while perhaps maintaining a B1 or B2 level for speaking and listening, which are less critical to their professional needs.
Someone planning a trip might be interested in attaining a level of proficiency suitable for getting about and functioning in new places, reading signs, and engaging in simple conversations. In this case, the jagged profile be:
This more balanced profile acknowledges that while the traveller may not need to write elaborate texts, a moderate proficiency in reading, listening, and basic speaking is essential for a comfortable travel experience.
For someone working in telesales in English, speaking and listening are the most crucial skills, often demanding a higher level of proficiency compared to reading and writing. A targeted CEFR profile could be:
Here, the focus shifts significantly toward speaking and listening, the most valuable skills for a telesales job, without entirely neglecting reading and writing.
Whether it's a translator needing advanced reading and writing skills, a traveller needing moderate speaking and listening abilities, or a telesales agent needing to excel in oral communication, the CEFR's nuanced approach ensures that language learning is as efficient and tailored as possible.
A final aspect of the CEFR that is worth understanding is the purpose of what is termed ‘Can do’ statements. ‘Can do’ statements are simple expressions of practical things the learner can do with the language. They are particularly useful when planning lessons, as they define specific learning outcomes the teacher wishes to achieve. Focusing on the practical skills students are developing through their lessons, provides a learner-centred, targeted approach. It also provides a metric for judging outcomes and progress, allowing learners to develop their knowledge and skills in an explicit way, and provides a purpose for their learning and its application to real-world situations.
The CEFR has significantly reshaped the landscape of language learning and assessment, providing a robust, nuanced framework that recognises the complexity of language proficiency. It promotes a multilingual, multicultural approach, that is well placed to address the communication needs of modern learners.