
The aim of the EiA Shop is to re-imagine the traditional and bring some refreshingly new ideas into your classroom. Let’s be honest, there’s tons of great stuff out there for teachers. The internet has proved a great place to share ideas and find resources. The only problem is that there is no consistency and whilst sound as educational tools, lots of things (although not all) leave a lot to be desired, especially when it comes to their design.

We are committed to providing solid gifts, tools, games and resources that have been tried and tested in real classrooms, whilst being well designed and properly thought out. We hope you agree that what we offer is not run-of-the-mill. Our posters, for example, each come with some suggested activities that teachers can use with their class – turning them from a static piece of wall art into a dynamic teaching tool. 

So have a look around and see what takes your fancy. We hope that you join us and build your own toolkit so that we can all start to think about things a little differently.

If you would like to know more about us, visit www.englishinaction.com today.